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[av_one_full first min_height=” vertical_alignment=’av-align-top’ space=” margin=’0px’ margin_sync=’true’ padding=’0px’ padding_sync=’true’ border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ radius_sync=’true’ background_color=” src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_display=”] [av_heading heading=’Welcome to Ishy and Tolo’ tag=’h2′ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=” subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” admin_preview_bg=”] A site dedicated to kids and the parents that love them [/av_heading] [/av_one_full] [av_one_fourth first min_height=’av-equal-height-column’…

easy three ingredient ice cream in a baggy
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Super Simple 3 Ingredient Ice Cream in a Baggy

For the summer months, my teenage kids wanted to do some science and craft and creating type of activities.  They got their inspiration from the Myth Busters and their line on the show where they say “Don’t try this at home”.  Well, the kids have started a youtube channel called We Tried it at Home. …

Aren’t Essential Oils New Age and Only Used by Crazy Hippies?
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Aren’t Essential Oils New Age and Only Used by Crazy Hippies?

Welcome to the our series: The Skeptics Guide to Essential Oils.  Specifically I was very skeptical about how the oils worked and if it was all just an airy fairy new age concept. We are having a whole series with our Oil Explorers group, which is a wonderful group of people who are on an…