Whipped home made face cream - therapy fun zone
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Whipped Home Made Face Cream

I have very dry skin that is definitely showing its age.  I tend to use some very good moisturizing creams, and have a pretty good system to keep my skin from being dry, but I still have skin damage and age spots (Southern California has lots…
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Aren't Essential Oils New Age and Only Used by Crazy Hippies?

Welcome to the our series: The Skeptics Guide to Essential Oils.  Specifically I was very skeptical about how the oils worked and if it was all just an airy fairy new age concept. We are having a whole series with our Oil Explorers…

Essential Oils Can Support a Healthy Lifestyle

Essential oils are meant to be used to support a healthy lifestyle.  What does this really mean?  It means that they can be natural things for the everyday health. There are so many ways that they can be used, but since they are organic compounds,…
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Whipped Foot Softening Cream

We all need a little pampering, and our feet are often ignored when it comes to pampering.  Let me start by saying that my feet are really really dry.  I have a condition that affects me on my feet and hands.  I am actually really…
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Smelly Shoe Solution

I have a teenage boy with very smelly feet in my house. His feet are so smelly that it is considered a form of torture to be shut in a room with his shoes. We tried powders, sprays, deodorants, and Lysol to no effect. Those trials resulted…
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First Experience With Essential Oils

There is a lot of talk and hype about essential oils right now, and I got on the band wagon.  My initial intended use for them is not going to work out, so now I am going to go on a journey to see what roll these oils can play in my life,…