Working from home cleaning struggles
It is a challenge to find a balance when working from home and managing the household. I am a home body, but that doesn’t mean that I enjoy cleaning and all of the maintenance that is needed. In the pandemic, my job went remote, so you would…
It Only Takes 15 Minutes
In order to develop a habit, I have found that I have to do it daily for two weeks. I am going to test this out by spending 15 minutes a day straightening up or organizing an are/very small piece of the house. Those who know me know that…
Office corner clutter
I work from home in a sense in that I am an Occupational Therapist that travels to people’s houses. I have my own toys and therapy equipment that I bring with me, so I need to keep all of my therapy stuff somewhere. Our office…
home made charging station
In my continual efforts to manage the chaos, I have been looking at charging stations for cell phones, ipods etc. The ones that I have found are $40, and that is at a discount store. I just couldn't pay that much. I found the materials, and…