Sweet baby hummingbird
My birthday is next week, and I found an awesome deal on a zoom lens for my camera. I found it at Target for only $99. It is a Canon EF 75-300mm zoom lens. Today I had my first chance to see how well it works. We…

Chocolate Filled Strawberries and Cherries
I stocked up on fruit yesterday and have a lot of strawberries and cherries. As I was having my daughter wash and cut some strawberries for lunch, she and a friend were saying how great it would be to fill them with chocolate since they were…

Bonita Waterfall
We live in Southern California, and it is a rare treat to go on a hike to a waterfall. The start of this hike is at Lyttle Creek, near the 15/215 interchange, north of the 10. You have to cross the creek, and then cross over…