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Sun Tea

We really love iced tea in our house, and making sun tea is a great way to enjoy your tea.  It’s nice to have the sun do all of the work while I go enjoy the day and do some things with the kids. I put in 12 cups of water, almost 1 cup…
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It Only Takes 15 Minutes

In order to develop a habit, I have found that I have to do it daily for two weeks.  I am going to test this out by spending 15 minutes a day straightening up or organizing an are/very small piece of the house.  Those who know me know that…
Whipped home made face cream - therapy fun zone
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Whipped Home Made Face Cream

I have very dry skin that is definitely showing its age.  I tend to use some very good moisturizing creams, and have a pretty good system to keep my skin from being dry, but I still have skin damage and age spots (Southern California has lots…
laugh and play with your kids

Laugh At Your Kids

I love kids. They are so much fun to hang out with. I may have a very different parenting style than many people, but I think that my style is normal and awesome. There may be a couple of differences in my style though. See if you can spot…
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Aren't Essential Oils New Age and Only Used by Crazy Hippies?

Welcome to the our series: The Skeptics Guide to Essential Oils.  Specifically I was very skeptical about how the oils worked and if it was all just an airy fairy new age concept. We are having a whole series with our Oil Explorers…
bonding with baby

Bonding With Baby - or Through the War Zone

When I was going to have my first child, I would read stories that would gush about how there was this instant bond with the baby when it was born.  I found that to not be true.  When my daughter was put on my chest, it was like she was this…
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Whipped Foot Softening Cream

We all need a little pampering, and our feet are often ignored when it comes to pampering.  Let me start by saying that my feet are really really dry.  I have a condition that affects me on my feet and hands.  I am actually really…
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Giving Is Harder Than It Looks

We go about our days and live our lives.  We periodically give money to people who are holding signs at the street corners if we feel compelled to.  We donate to charities that we feel fit our giving profile.  We give to church…
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First Experience With Essential Oils

There is a lot of talk and hype about essential oils right now, and I got on the band wagon.  My initial intended use for them is not going to work out, so now I am going to go on a journey to see what roll these oils can play in my life,…
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Teaching Kids to Listen and Learn Self Control

I have two children with very different personalities, and I work with children in my job as a pediatric Occupational Therapist. One thing that I have learned about kids in my many years with them is that no two are alike, and no two will respond…
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Keep Active in the Summer

It is summer and the kids are out of school.  We need to build activity into their days or it is too easy to settle in to a lazy summer and watch too much TV and play more video games than is good for them. We have Tennis Tuesday…
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It's Summer and It's Awesome

I have just finished my first week of Summer break and I am loving it.  I work at a school district, so during the school year I have no time for this personal blog.  I see kids and do evaluations for Occupational Therapy, then pick…

Having an active summer

The summer started out a bit difficult because I didn’t have a job set yet, so I was unsure what my schedule would be.  It is hard to plan when you don’t know.  Then we went on vacation to Yosemite, and we all got sick. …
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Solution to a wet bathroom: shower splash guard

Well since this blog is called Smart Mommy Solutions, I thought that maybe I might post a solution that I just implemented.  When my son leaves the bathroom after taking a shower, the bath mat is soaked, and the bathroom floor is really…
keep in touch with the older generation -- smart mommy solutions

Keep in touch with the older generation

I came up with this great idea to keep in touch with the older generation. It is regarding much older people, specifically, my grandmother who is 90. She lives in a retirement complex, and my grandfather is currently next door in a skilled nursing…